Keeping Up with the Demands of Quality: New certification IATF 16949

Keeping Up with the Demands of Quality: New certification IATF 16949

Every company that produces or manufactures anything knows that you have to live and breathe quality control. This can be tedious. However, nothing is more important when you are manufacturing products, especially ones that are going to be used by consumers. As a result, safety and functionality must be right every time. For this reason, the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) developed standards of quality control for the automotive industry. Here we will overview the IAFT, their new certification IATF 16949, and some other components of quality control.

Who is IATF?

The International Automotive Task Force describes themselves as an ad hoc group. Their purpose is to work to provide continuity, consensus, and improved quality around the globe in the automotive industry. With widely accepted standards, registration schemes, and training material, they are the go to source for automotive manufacturing quality. With this in mind, LTC Roll and engineering recognizes and seeks to adhere to these standards. It is our desire to offer the best products to automotive manufacturers around the world.

The New Certification IATF 16949

This new certification is a replacement for the ISO/TS 16949. Given that, its primary goal and purpose are to inform automotive industry manufacturers about the processes that best lead to quality. These specifically relate to companies’ organizational systems and how they relate to and foster quality. Training and compliance will get a company to certification, an essential factor for automotive manufacturing companies. The 2016 update contains many changes and additions for businesses to learn, process, and integrate into their structure.


Thankfully, there are dozens of websites online that can help a company register for the training and compliance tests, as it takes a lot of work. The new certification IATF 16949 includes updated material and new sections. For example, it includes information on second party training, product auditor training, manufacturing process auditor training, automotive SPICE and integration with ISO 26262, and many other areas of interest for automotive industry professionals.

The Importance of Standards

It’s hard to overemphasize the importance of globally accepted standards for quality in the automotive industry. Not only is the industry a multi-national one with car manufacturers from all over the world competing in a globalized marketplace; we are also talking about people’s lives. People trust the automotive industry to care about and protect the quality and integrity of the products we sell.

Quality Control at LTC Roll

At LTC Roll and Engineering, we strive to meet the challenges of the industry and the expectation of the consumers we serve, even if they don’t know who we are direct. Our training is intense, and our attention to detail is part of what drives our success. We believe quality products matter – both to consumers and to us. Check us out at for more information and to see what we do, how we do it, and why we think it matters.