High-Capacity, High-Volume Automotive Stamping

Automakers are increasingly turning to quality stamped components to increase durability, reduce weight and speed production, this is why they are increasingly turning to LTC!

We supplement our outstanding roll forming capabilities with high-capacity, high-volume stamping ability. Unlike many other roll form manufacturers, we are able to easily and efficiently stamp bulkheads, brackets and other similar parts, perform welding and assembly functions in-house, and deliver a wider range of fully assembled, finished components. This decreases handling requirements, increases efficiency and speed during final vehicle assembly, and reduces the potential for defects since all elements are produced and tested at a single source.

high capacity stamping from ltc roll and engineering

LTC’s comprehensive stamping capability is supported by an extensive range of precision equipment. Our more than 45 stamping presses include:

  • 1500-Ton PTC Straight Side 4-Point Prog Die Press – 206” x 96” bed size, 43” shut height, T-slotted rolling bolster, 40,000-lb. coil capacity
  • 600-Ton Niagara Prog Die Press – 96” x 60” bed size, 29” shut height
  • 400-Ton Danly Prog Die Press – 120” x 60” bed size, 28” shut height
  • 400-Ton Niagara Prog Die Press – 120” x 60” bed size, 28” shut height
  • 150-Ton Niagara Prog Die Press – 60” x 36” bed size, 24” shut height